1. What motivates you to push thru when it feels too hard to go on?
I think that when it gets really hard I run on some sort of survival instinct which comes to me naturally. I'm very stubborn and hard on myself, so I don't give up very easily. I love to surpass myself and overcome difficulties. My experience is that when you insist, you can achieve the things you are dreaming of (within your capacities.)
2. How does being a parent inform your running career?
When I became a mother, I suddenly had less time to train and that worked positively on my performance. I trained less hours, but more intense with the result that I became a top runner and started winning World Series races and World Championships.
Now, my daughter is 6 years old. She has traveled all over the world to many races with me and Pere. We believe that our lifestyle strengthens our bond as a family and we are pleased that Onna can grow up in a natural environment.
3. What is the goal you are working towards right now?
I have accomplished many of my dreams, but I am still dreaming of winning a prestigious 100 miler. I recently came third in WSER which is a result I am very pleased with. Now I am preparing for UTMB.
4. You wear Naked for all your big races. What is it you love about Naked?
Yes, in fact, I wear Naked gear every single day! I use the running bra for shorter sessions and the race vest for longer sessions and races. I love it because it transmits feeling of minimalism. You don't notice you are wearing it as it fits perfectly on your body and the things you take with you on your run like food, drinks and extra gear, don't move at all. The zipper vest fulfills all of my needs and is a great companion during my challenges!
5. What are 3 tips to maintain fitness and nutrition while traveling?
Try to maintain a routine and a good balance between training, nutrition and rest.
Try to eat fresh meals and prepare them yourself.
Relax and enjoy what you are doing. Don't put stress on yourself.
6. You and Pere are both incredible athletes and have a family together. What is a normal day look like for you two? What’s for dinner? How do you fit in training?
Training is always a central part of our day. Every evening we plan our next day, fitting in the training sessions first and then our family time which is usually more flexible. We don't always get to have lunch together, but we have our dinner as a family.
We always try to find the best balance between family time, training, rest and a healthy nutrition. Sometimes you have to give in a little on one of them, but this always leads to happiness for all of us.
7. What has been like to be a professional athlete and changing plans during a global pandemic?
The pandemic has slowed us down a little and has taught us to value and appreciate even more our natural lifestyle. I think we live more in detail and we live more in the present.
8. What is one piece of advise you would give to an upcoming ultra runner?
First of all make sure you are passionate about your goal. Then, enjoy your path towards it. Be satisfied with small improvements and when the day of your goal arrives, look at it as a celebration of all the consistent work you've been doing towards it. No matter the outcome, you have enjoyed the path and that's what matters most in the end.